Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Years Resolutions!

Welcome to A Freak Of Fashion and 2014 everyone! I hope you all had an excellent time last night celebrating and weren't too hungover to function today. A new year has begun and unlike everyone else I know who adored 2013, I'm surprisingly ready to wave last year good bye and embrace the new one. It's not that anything awful happened to me last year, in fact I'm very lucky for the past twelve months and what I've done and achieved and who I've spent them with, in truth I think I'm just a bit bored.
But now a new year is here and it gives us all a chance to change things in our lives and address some things we were maybe avoiding and the promise of new days fills us with hope and determination to make this year even better than the last. There are certainly many things I'd like to not necessarily change but improve or develop. Here we go...
1. Get on with it. I am so lazy, I spend ages in bed in the morning so half my day is gone and then I don't get anything done, when I sit down to work I'll spend an hour on Youtube first and I put so much off and say "Oh I'll do it tomorrow" and guess what? I never do! This year I'm going to work at motivating myself to get on and do things so I can make the most of my time and really enjoy myself.
2. Do more research. This year I want to keep my eyes open all the time and constantly be seeing and listening and watching new things so that I can be inspired and therefore more knowledgable and creative.
3. I want to be more adventurous and confident with my fashion this year and not let anything stand in the way of my dreams and career. For some reason I feel really awkward saying to people that I'm studying fashion because I don't really feel confident enough to stand up and say "Yes these are my dreams so what?" This year I don't want my self-consciousness to stand in the way of what I want. Which leads me onto my next resolution...
4. I want to be a better blogger. I know I haven't had this blog long but I want it to be successful and inspiring. I want to be able to keep up the amount of posts I'm currently publishing when I go back to university and I'm bombarded with work again. I want to work on the layout and presentation of my blog too because I feel its a bit boring at the moment so I'm going to work on that too in the next few months.
5. I had a small operation in September and my doctor told me not to do any exercise and it has taken ages to recover and I'm still not 100% there but I am very nearly. Because I haven't been able to do any exercise and it has just been Christmas I am now very unfit and not quite as skinny as I'd like to be. Therefore when I go back to Newcastle I will be joining the gym and starting to eat more healthily. I want to be fit and look after myself, I don't want to become a slob because I'm a student.
So there you have it, these are all the things I want to change/improve on within the next twelve months so I can make 2014 a year I'm proud of. In all honesty I'm not very optimistic for how these are all going to turn out but I am determined so I suppose we'll just have to wait and see how well it goes. Please leave me a comment and share some of your resolutions and how quickly you've broken them, or if you're more motivated than me how successfully they are going. I hope this year is one you all will never forget. Love Holly x

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