Thursday 16 January 2014

January Sales Finds!

Hello my lovelies! I hope you're all having a wonderful week, mine is getting better and better! On Tuesday I passed my driving test second time round with only four minors! (I'm not entirely sure how because I was a crumbling mess!) I got the marks for half of one of my first uni modules back and I got 67%, to say that that was one of my first modules at university and I've never done anything like that before, I'm pretty happy! My best friend Megan has also had a wonderful week as she not only got a job yesterday but she's also been accepted in university! The new year is off to a good start!
Anyhoo, getting back to the main purpose of this post, I went shopping in Harrogate and in Leeds in the new year and picked up a few wonderful new pieces in the sales so I thought I'd share my favourites with you guys. Here we go!

First, this beautiful bag I picked up in Accessorise, it was originally £45 I think and I got it for £32 which isn't a great discount but it was beautiful and after searching everywhere else and feeling disappointed I couldn't resist. I thought it would be perfect and professional for my trip to New York.
Next I found these gorgeous trousers in River Island, these were a good bargain and only cost £17. These trousers surprisingly fit me really well considering its almost impossible to ever find me trousers that fit because I have huge thighs and high street stores expect everyone to have match stick legs. I love the pattern on these and the fabric is thicker than you'd expect so I can still wear them in these cold winter months.
This sophisticated dress was a great find from Topshop, I'm not sure how much it was originally but in the sale it was £25. Obviously its very smart and I don't really have any occasion to wear it to yet but I thought it would be great for interviews for internships so I'm gonna save it for something important. It's a little bit baggy around the waist so I might take it in if I can do so without ruining the chiffon!
Finally to these beautiful high tops, this purchase has been a long time coming. When I was about 15 (God thats ages ago) I bought a fantastic pair of DC high tops that I have worn to death. I couldn't bare to part with them but they seriously needed replacing. I found these in Urban Outfitters for £25 and I love them. There was a tan colour or black and although the tan ones were gorgeous too, nearly everything I own is either black or white so these seemed like the safer option.
Annoyingly with sales you can't really go looking for something, you have to just sort of see what there is and buy pieces that you might not wear for a few months but are good investments. I was quite lucky this year in that I found things that I needed and not only wanted. I hope you all did well in sales too and I'd love to see what you found so leave links below to any your blogs and posts about sale shopping! I'm back at uni next week so posts might not be as frequent from now on but I'll try my best. Enjoy your weekend! Love Holly x

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